Der hat weder Freiheit noch Sicherheit verdientDLF 2004

Der USA-Patriots Act und die Indianer

44:10 Minuten

Endlose, hügelige Prärie, weiter Himmel. Pine Ridge Reservat in South Dakota im Hinterland und Herzen der USA - Indianerland wie aus dem Bilderbuch und die traurigste Gegend, in der ich jemals war. Eine alte Frau, die behauptet eine Enkelin von Sitting Bull zu sein, erzählt:

"America is bulit on stolen land. Original landowners are the true Lakota people. And that is the reason why the wanted the land. The land holds everything. Everything that we are. That is going on today, no changes. United States is the land of freedom for themselves, because they have the finest weapons, aeroplanes, APCs, guns, grenades. They license to kill so it is for them land of freedom, They can shot and kill anybody as they pleased. Afghanistan – shooting women and children. That is all what it is. Same thing happened here earlier. Still happening today. No changes. It is a repeat of everything, that happened here at Wounded Knee."